Mintyhl Myffinz
Playful, Energetic, Curious
Cheering and Helping people, Muffins!!!
Spiders, Egotistical people.
As a student born and raised in Old Sharlayan, Mintyhl had a curious soul since she first touched a book. After graduating she decided to embark on a journey to lands east known as Vylbrand to look for her sister.
During her travels around the Sultanate of Ul’ Dah she met an elegant and quite persuasive Viera. Mintyhl, ever the curious and playful soul, and as a traveller of a land still foreign to her, Mintyhl decided to inquire and teased the aforementioned Viera about her lost sister. Together they made a deal that in exchange for information regarding Mintyhl’s sister (as well as years worth of muffins), she agreed to join Cure♥Hearts.
There at Cure♥Hearts, Mintyhl, works as a bartender being her energetic self to help and cheer up weary Myasters as they sit down to order nyommies and drinks at her counter.